Highest Rated Comments

thelogicbox2 karma

Wow that's a very cool idea. Nice job getting recognized by TechCrunch! That makes me want to spoof my location just to check out some of the comments! (I'll won't, but I want to)

thelogicbox2 karma

final approaches, so you'll be getting a brand new UI/UX and new features over the coming two weeks. Stay tuned! - Seamus

Looking good already!

thelogicbox1 karma

It seems like one of the biggest issues in both houses is bringing legislation to a vote. What could we do from a technology standpoint to increase votes on legislation?

I think one possible solution would be an app that would let congressmen essentially use a private version of reddit, where committees would have specific subreddits and bills or specific provisions could be threads. The goal would be to build consensus as bills are being drafted (they could upvote/downvote on threads/comments).

thelogicbox1 karma

I would very much like to if it were on the weekend, but I spend my weekdays at my day job trying to make improvements within the Executive Branch/Department of Defense. I will keep a lookout for weekend events with you--hopefully soon!

thelogicbox1 karma

Just starred it. Is there a working build hosted anywhere?