Highest Rated Comments

theorclair912 karma

Personally, myself? No. In one case the abductor wrote me an email the authorities used to track the person down. From cases on my site? A significant amount: http://www.forthelost.org/located.html

theorclair911 karma

The standard "how dare you call me a child abductor when I only have a warrant out for my arrest on charges of child abduction." Almost all of the time those people are in another country where they won't be extradited, so sending the email is harmless to them. I'm not sure what she was thinking in this case.

theorclair911 karma

They get on there too.

theorclair911 karma

It's much more complicated than that, honestly. Missing white kids who run away or get abducted by a parent get no attention unless something really weird happens. Younger kids who vanish under weird circumstances get more attention. This blog post by a friend of mine gives some more detail: http://charleyross.wordpress.com/2008/12/20/the-media-and-missing-people/

I try to keep a reasonable mix of cases on my site. It has occured to me that most of the closed cases on my site are people of minority descent, though.

theorclair99 karma

This depends on the category of missing you're talking about. Runaways and family abductions are almost always found safe (there are tragic exceptions), people who are just lost have a lower rate (some die in the wilderness), non-family abductions are lower. Even then, most non-family abductions are found safe; they usually involve someone the child knows, not a stranger.