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theres_two2 karma

Hello! I have been wrestling with a question for years. Should I get surgery or not?

When I was 2 years old, I had an accident involving a sharp point and my cornea. Not a good combination. So, this thing scratched my eye, and whatever that fluid stuff is drained out I think. Now, it is like looking underwater through that eye. My brain decided that the eye wasn't useful, so now my eyes don't line up and the one eye wanders a bit sometimes. I can't wear contacts without a lot of discomfort because my eye is misshapen. Even my pupil is misshapen.

However, I am perfectly fine. I can drive and play sports very well. Reading is no problem. I use the bad eye for peripheral vision only.

My doctor brought up the possibility of getting another surgery to bring my eyes into alignment and maybe better the vision in that one eye. The concern we have, however, is if it doesn't work perfectly, I will have a duplicate image right next to the real image. And this duplicate will be of better clarity (than it currently is), which may be especially distracting.

The current duplicate image only appears (or i only notice it) when I specifically think about it. But at all times I use the eye peripherally.

My doctor did not advise me either way. Please feel free to ask clarifying questions. And if you can't give me an answer that's completely fine, just thought id give it a shot! THANK YOU!!

theres_two2 karma

except the paralyzing double vision! hahaha but seriously thank you that is very good advice. Based on your advice and my gut instinct, I will probably not get the surgery. At least not until we have better technology or something. What I really want is a bionic eye!

theres_two1 karma

isurgeon was saying that the chances are less than 1 in 2000. or less than 1 in 1200. id say both are pretty good odds