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theunseeingeye10 karma

How are Phil Bozeman and Johan Hegg in person? Most fun/least fun singers/bands to work with?

theunseeingeye4 karma

Why do you have a scar on your arm? Was there a blocked vein there too or something?

theunseeingeye2 karma

As a (hopeful) future doctor, was there something done by the physician that made you feel "safe" (in terms of getting part of your leg cut off) or comfortable with your decision to get an amputation?

theunseeingeye1 karma

I was in an argument with somebody on reddit a while ago, so I have to ask: Why does a large part of the deaf community have a problem witch cochlear implants?

This person even went so far as to say "Who do the hearies think we need to be fixed?" They were acting like being deaf wasn't a disability (which it technically is) but actually something empowering.

I almost went blind a long time ago and I am thankful for my sense. I can't imagine life without it.

theunseeingeye1 karma

How were you when you were first exposed to it? Ever feel faint, have to leave the room, etc?