Highest Rated Comments

thinkingotherthings3 karma

I don't have a question, just want to say that I have profound respect and admiration for what you are doing. I commend you for your courage and your commitment to justice (real justice, not the shameful institution we call the criminal justice system in this country).

thinkingotherthings3 karma

Awesome! I actually did look for her again on my way back from class, but she was gone. At that point I didn't think I would ever have a chance to explain what happened, and was bummed about it because she looked dejected when I refused the pamphlet. That incident really did motivate me to be more diligent about avoiding meat though. Cool thing, this internet is..

thinkingotherthings2 karma

A few weeks ago someone who might have been from your organization was handing out books on animal suffering near Suffolk University in Boston.. I didn't take one because my instinct when someone tries to hand me a pamphlet is to keep going. If that person is reading this thread, I just want to let you know that I felt bad about not taking the pamphlet and have been making a conscious effort to cut back on my meat consumption.