Highest Rated Comments

thisusernametakentoo643 karma

Welcome home!!!! What do you think is in our near future in space? What would you like to see happen? How do you feel about the private space industry? Can you describe what it was like seeing your home for the first time from space? What's next for you?

thisusernametakentoo246 karma

What a world it would be. If we can have people live in orbit for extended periods of time, what's the big technological hurdle to actually setting up base on the moon? Assuming we can get vehicles, fuel and supplies there cost-effectively, would it make a better launch platform?

thisusernametakentoo57 karma

In America you can pretty much sue anyone for anything. That doesn't mean you'll win, doesn't mean the case won't get thrown out and doesn't mean you won't get sued yourself for malicious prosecution.

thisusernametakentoo34 karma

Glad someone else out there recognizes that getting a PhD isn't all that glamorous and the trade-offs are pretty tough.

I'm pretty sure everyone but you knew this already.

thisusernametakentoo30 karma

My god, man...what did you do all day? What did you use to put not so funny captions on the bears and trees and such?