Highest Rated Comments

thomasberends52 karma

  1. Will we find out about the pineapple, or should we forget about it?
  2. Are you going to cover all the 'but we'll get to that later' events in the series?
  3. What is your favorite episode?
  4. What are you going to do after How I Met Your Mother?
  5. Are you thinking about a spin-off or do you want to do something else?

Also, I would like to add that this show has basically has shown me what I should aim for in my love life, and while following the show I've finally found that. It made me a lot happier, and we've following How I Met Your Mother together now!

thomasberends52 karma

Hey. I would love to point you all to /r/aws. It's a small little community with questions/discussions. It would be awesome if some AWS specialists would come in sometimes and help / discuss with other people.

Are some of you redditors?

thomasberends26 karma

So.... To everybody: Have you ever played Kerbal Space Program?

thomasberends11 karma

1) What do you think will be the impact of Firefox OS on the world?

2) Do you think HTML5 apps should be possible in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store without tools like Titanium?

3) What is your favorite Firefox OS app?

And I would also like to invite you to join /r/FirefoxOS and join our discussions!

thomasberends8 karma

No. Do you?