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thrillerjesus85 karma

It also helps to be a tiny country with a shitload of oil.

thrillerjesus52 karma

I just avoid their stores entirely for the same reason. It's fucking cringey beyond belief.

thrillerjesus17 karma

Except that isn't what happens in interviews, in reality. Instead, it goes like this: Politician lies. Journalist thinks 1) "that's a lie", 2) "but I can't prove they know it's a lie", 3) "better not say it's a lie, even though I think it is."

Multiply that by pretty much every single interview, and you see how the media is complicit in constantly gas-lighting the public.

What's dishonest about it is that journalists routinely assert their opinions as facts, when they're being pundits. But when they're interviewing someone who is lying to their face, and they know it, they hide behind "ethical" guidelines to avoid the responsibility of informing their audience of what they believe to be true.

Edit: And also, they usually don't even point out "untruths" as such either. Shit, just two days ago Judy Woodruff interview the RNC Chair on the PBS Newshour, and was repeatedly lied to, and she not only did not note the lies, but she didn't even note that they were falsehoods. That's the reality.

thrillerjesus9 karma

Something I don't think people working in politics or advocacy get asked enough, and rarely if ever answer honestly:

Are you able to name a specific opinion you've previously held related to FCC regulations or related to privacy, about which you have later changed your mind?

If not, do you think that it is rational for people to trust an advocate who is thinking so shallowly about his area of expertise that he never finds he's been wrong about anything?

I don't intend that as an attack, although I realize it might sound harsh. I agree that net neutrality is important, but just as you guys can't be right 100% of the time, Ajit Pai can't be wrong 100% of the time.

Edit: Elaboration.

thrillerjesus2 karma

So, "no" then?

I suppose it was too much to expect anything more than a politician's dodge, but I'm disappointed in you nonetheless.