Highest Rated Comments

throwworht683 karma

Considering its recent actions, has the FAA given you any trouble?

throwworht611 karma

Holy. Shit. They have a better market than we do in the US...

throwworht610 karma

Now we have a choice. That is unique - there's no contradiction or double standard.

throwworht65 karma

Would you be willing to live in one state if you could be confident everyone would be treated equally? Is it ok with you persnally that the state would have to enforce a separation of church at state?

edit: spelling is hard

throwworht65 karma

Is it enforceable, or can it even be investigated, without international court?

edit: and as a side note, the US is not party to many human rights treaties including: Convention on the Rights of the Child (alone with Somalia); Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women; Mine Ban Treaty;Convention against Torture; Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance; Convention on Cluster Munitions.