Highest Rated Comments

titoblanco107 karma

Hopefully the next big push in the energy industry is a smarter grid. Like developments where the grid has battery *energy storage to capture the unpredictable production from turbines. Unfortunatly there just is not much financial incentive for that kind of development.

Edit: Yes, I could have chosen my specific words more carefully in the first place

titoblanco13 karma

Did they measure your free testosterone before during or after and do you know where they were at? I would go on MBC today if it was available, but would really think twice about it had a measurable impact on T

titoblanco13 karma

Kevin would be happy to make a non-equity deal with you, all he will want is a royalty. For forever.

titoblanco11 karma

Do you take bitcoin?

titoblanco6 karma

Student loans is the only type of debt that is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.