Highest Rated Comments

tomla1343 karma

I understand. How did you go about changing the policy? Knowing them, it must have been astoundingly hard.

also, I hope the friend decides to rejoin, it really is a good organization, just sometimes seems to be, as you said, "living in the social dark ages."

tomla1343 karma

as a boy scout myself, I haven't ever really had an experience with the (previous) policy, but I would like to ask: what led you to do this? Or: why did you do this?

not that I'm complaining!

tomla1342 karma

It was increasing pressure that forced them to initiate the vote? Thank you for participating, and I would also like to thank those who worked behind the scenes.

am I incorrect in assuming that they have been long opposed to this new change?

tomla1341 karma

I don't know if this has already been asked but I think I'll say it anyway: what's the difference between 'low' and 'high' security prison? What would a prisoner hafta do to get in a high security prison vs low security?

tomla1341 karma

Thanks, and thanks for the AMA!