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trampolinegirl21 karma

Err.... /r/askscience?

trampolinegirl19 karma

Trampoline parks and spring-based trampolines! Yes! Bounce-nemesis!

Edit: Actually one of my coworkers actually calls spring-based trampolines "Death traps."

trampolinegirl18 karma

Errrr. Take this! Lol! "The views and opinions expressed by the registered users of this thread as well as the views and opinions displayed in this site are not necessarily representative of the views and opinions of individual companies, registered users, nor of the owner and/or administrator of this Web site. Employees and officers of any registered users speaking on this site should not be considered to be speaking for the other company or companies registered, but rather as representing their sole view and opinions. Views and opinions are also subject to change without notice, and the owner and/or the administrator of this site assumes no obligation to update the information in this site or accompanying discussions and the owner and/or the administrator reserves the right, for any reason, in its sole discretion, to terminate, change, suspend or interrupt access, in whole or in part, to the site, including its contents, features, or hours of availability without notice."

trampolinegirl15 karma

Ah trampoline parks! I actually don't them because there are very high accident rates at those parks. Lots of kids and adults get hurt. I think even a few people have been paralyzed.

Edit: Actually people have died even.

trampolinegirl12 karma