Highest Rated Comments

transientDCer25 karma

Skip the kickstarter and just mail him a check? They take such a big chunk of money.

transientDCer25 karma

Thank you for posting this. So many people call for "justice" against someone before we can ever give them a fair trial. This is the same reason Snowden can't just "come back to the US" and face trial, as so many call for him to do.

transientDCer10 karma

This is the biggest issue with politics. Anyone who is an "experienced" political figure shouldn't even be running. We shouldn't have career politicians - it should be a selfless position that someone takes when they decide they can help others.

transientDCer6 karma

Best of luck to you getting back here. I see people comment all the time that you're a traitor for being in Russia - I'm sure you would much rather be enjoying the "vacation" in Ecuador!

transientDCer3 karma

Will you come play a show in Charlotte, NC? Love your stuff!