Highest Rated Comments

travvo446 karma

Please tell us you are scoring Incredibles 2, that's half the reason I'm eager to see it.

travvo2 karma

My dad's response: "I really didn't do much, but that's neat. Working on getting another inhaled antibiotic approved for CF right now, but FDA being tough."

First-world pharmaceutical researcher problems, amirite?

travvo2 karma

Odd question...My dad does a lot of CF research, have you ever taken TOBI? He was one of the main developers for Tobramycin.

travvo2 karma

Peter! Any chance we'll get to see Fa'ad again? Bahahahahaha!

travvo1 karma

As someone who was toying with idea of making lots and lots of hot sauce, I have to say I was extremely frustrated to suddenly see you hit #1 on Reddit a couple of weeks ago. The idea of sending out free samples was a great one though, and I could never hope to match the volume you produced. I haven't had a chance to try your sauce yet, but I'm eager to.

Here are my questions:

  1. How much money did it cost to produce and ship 2,000 samples?

  2. What were the legal steps to get a product FDA approved?

  3. What's your secret recipe? (jk)

Good luck with everything, and as a fellow Oregonian I hope to see FYM in Market of Choice soon.