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trianuddah63 karma

I remember noticing how the countdown started from 7, which was the number of times Joshua's army had to march around Jericho to break the walls down. That was a brilliant touch.

Edit: I went to youtube it for the nostalgia, the countdown was from 6. Well, going down from 6-point-something so I guess that's still seven. It's the siren that goes off 7 times. And then that pause before the fireworks. I remember it was a point in a debate with my English Lit. teacher at the time about how WWE's storylines were more than just meatheads yelling. WWE is the globe theater of our time.

trianuddah35 karma

Having this response to controversial questions should be bare minimum to promote oneself on Reddit.

trianuddah34 karma

Why would they want to do that?

trianuddah24 karma

Oh wow. I hadn't noticed that gap between Obsidian and White Wolf was bridged. Paradox are crazy if they don't make this happen.

trianuddah16 karma

I simultaneously loved and loathed the way the game opened up arriving in Defiance Bay. It's nice when the main quest eases off the sense of urgency, but following new side quest leads only to be halted with 'you're too weak; come back later' took a lot of wind out of the sails. I did notice that some quests presented that level gate in a way that made you feel smart for backing down, while others made you feel like a wimp or presented the level gate in the form of an inescapable ambush.