Highest Rated Comments

tukarjerbs17 karma

If you could change one thing about the the show (in any aspect) what would it be?

tukarjerbs14 karma

Don't work for them. Start your own business. You are forcing your beliefs upon them and you went to them for help (job). The irony of this is gold.

tukarjerbs1 karma

Its also incredibly unfair for a girl to put a guy in that position. We have grown up not being aggressive and physical with females, And now all the sudden that has to change? I'm sorry but I can't get red zone and come flying in with the speed and power that could break someone's ribs with a hit, knowing I'm going to be crushing a girl. I'm sorry thats not in my nature to hit girls out of sport, and to ignore or even refute that is so beyond words.

tukarjerbs1 karma


tukarjerbs0 karma
