Highest Rated Comments

twoplustwoisyellow1657 karma

Hi Jerry. How come you don't do movies? You're amazing. Hope all is well

twoplustwoisyellow17 karma

I’ve seen that movie at least 88 times

twoplustwoisyellow2 karma

Archie! I'm a buckeye fan only because my friend Todd is the biggest fan ever. Can you give him a shout out!?!? It would mean the world!

twoplustwoisyellow2 karma

What's your opinion on the fake rhino horns being introduced into the black market to hinder the value of the real rhino horns? Do you think it will substantially reduce poaching?

twoplustwoisyellow1 karma

Hey you! Such a big fan. If you're such a jerk why are you answering all of our questions so thoughtfully?