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txfreedomnetwork48 karma

Our polling has found that the vast majority of Texans -- more than 80 percent -- are FOR sex education, not against. These are thorny issues, for sure, but we don't believe that avoiding difficult topics is healthy for anyone. But we support comprehensive sex education because Texans should have as much information so they can make those decisions based on what's best for them and their families.

More than 60 percent of high school seniors in Texas say they’ve already had sex, and most of them didn’t use a condom the last time they did. The issue now is whether they are getting the information they need to protect themselves. Clearly, it’s time to change our approach to sex education here. And comprehensive sex ed has been shown to delay the decision to begin having sex and to lower the number of partners when someone does start.

txfreedomnetwork25 karma

Because this curriculum decision is made by your elected officials, you have the right to make your voice heard! Go to https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home to find out who your SBOE member is, and click on their name to find their contact information. We will also be launching a “host your own postcard party” program by the end of this month, where you can get your friends together to write letters to your board members. Be sure to sign-up at www.tfn.org/sex-ed to get our action alerts

txfreedomnetwork20 karma

The best way to advocate for responsible sex ed this year is at the State Board of Education in Texas. The state board is overhauling curriculum standards for health classes, and that includes information on sex and health. You can learn more about that here tfn.org/sex-ed. But you can also advocate for better sex ed in your own local schools.

txfreedomnetwork16 karma

Many people of faith support teaching better and more inclusive sex education because they believe it’s morally right to make sure students have the information they need to protect their health and make responsible life decisions. We have worked with many faith leaders who have advocated for better sex education in Texas.

txfreedomnetwork16 karma

Oh, and then there's this:

One school superintendent told us that his district didn't teach sex education because students could learn about sex by watching their farm animals.