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tylr-r13 karma

Please tell her to do an AMA

tylr-r8 karma

I just took an entire class on Antarctica and the drilling at McMurdo.... Could you please do me a huge favour? Please PLEASE send me a rock. Even a tiny one, like a pebble if you're not allowed to take things. I collect rocks of little significance from cool places, and have wanted an Antarctica one since I was a child. PM me if you can?

tylr-r7 karma

Howdy, I'm about to get a complete mastectomy, and I've always been curious about how they treat transexual patients in comparison to a female getting a reduction/mastectomy. Few questions:

1- What was it like when you woke up? How were the medical staff? How long did you spend in the hospital total?

2-How much information were you given for home care recovery?

3-Right now it's probably iffy, but where do you have sensation on your breasts? Are you expected to have erotic sensation in your nipples/by the large incisions? Or just tactile? This one's really important, so if you can't answer now, I'd really like an answer in the future

4-How often do you go into get things checked out during/post recovery?

Thanks for your time, if any of these are too prying, feel free not to answer. I wish you a lifetime of no back pain and ease in finding bras that fit comfortably :)

tylr-r7 karma

Mostly if she's experienced an incredible amount of pain due to her situation, and if she's able to reproduce "naturally" (which is a term I'm uncomfortable with, but you can assume what it means, no intervention). Curious questions I'd never ask someone IRL, but in an AMA: Can you feel both vaginas separately, and do they come from the same "entrance" (Cervix/vag hole to womb, for specification)? Very creepy, but coming from another vagina holder if that means anything. Don't ask her the other two, those are for AMAS :p Edit: also if you can feel the devision between the vaginas, but that's more specific to the second question. I'm not so much looking for erotic response as I am for differentiation.

tylr-r2 karma

It's one hell of a night!