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tzuborg31 karma

Go on..

tzuborg1 karma

They believe they're hypnotized in the same sense that some people believe they possess psychic powers. That doesn't mean it's true.

tzuborg1 karma

It's been widely accepted as useful in the medical field for years now

So is acupuncture. That doesn't mean it's anything more than placebo.

tzuborg1 karma

Thanks, but I'm not satisfied with that, so let me try to explain a bit more thoroughly:

What the term "being hypnotized" postulates is this: That someone else is in control of your will, as well as in control of what you see, hear and feel. Your environment will have zero effect on you (apart from the "hypnotizer") as seen by how they are supposed to believe e.g. a non-existing dog is present. Seeing as that dog in reality isn't there, that directly means that the surroundings shouldn't matter. That should be completely logical.

In short: This shows that the hypothesis of hypnosis explicitly postulates that external stuff will have zero effects on the one under the influence.

So, a man with a gun is precisely that - something external, which according to the hypothesis should be completely ignored by the person that is hypnotized. Now, if that isn't the case and the hypnotized person instead makes a run for the exit, that logically proves the hypothesis wrong, as it doesn't fulfill what it presumes.

That an insanely large part of humans are willing to believe in almost whatever should also not come as a surprise, as you are probably already aware of the huge amount of dis-proven and or self contradictory shit people actually do believe in, and there is no reason to take these hypnosis people anymore seriously than unicorn believers.

tzuborg-1 karma

What's there to discuss, tho?