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uber-blonde133 karma

Thank you for the apology.

My fellow escorts and myself have discussed how the religious right could better help and there are several parts to that answer.

  1. Offer sex education, birth control, and stop the shaming.

  2. Offer support services for AFTER the babies are born. Support laws and policies that benefit children and families, such as free lunch programs and social services.

  3. This is especially important as you are a pastor- PLEASE, PLEASE, teach and practice how to WALK IN LOVE rather than looking for outliers to attack. Teach woman AND men to be repsonsible, caring, loving adults.

Thanks for your question.

uber-blonde57 karma

Yes. There is always a potential danger.

And sometimes the protesters will get so worked up they threaten us with violence, they push and shove us as we try to get the cars in safely, or they block the cars from entering the driveway, or the clients will get into escalating arguments with the protesters. We call the police pretty much every day, but the police simply tell them to settle down and that's about it. They have been threatened with assault charges and I know one was convicted of trespassing.

uber-blonde47 karma

Yes, this.

uber-blonde42 karma

By far, the gratitude and relief of the women we are escorting in for abortion care when we shield them from the religious hate and propaganda.

uber-blonde40 karma

We support each woman's choice to make her own decision and possess bodly autonomy.

Personally, I am not fond of abortion- but I will fight all the way to ensure YOUR right to choose.

Don't like abortion? Fine, don't get one. And respect other women who make that very difficult decision for themselves.

Hope I answered your question! :)