Highest Rated Comments

unachance187 karma

When did you first discover the Cartel connection in Kris's case? How did the prosecutors not know from the start?

unachance4 karma

How do you prevent inspiration from becoming imitation? I’ve been inspired by so many great writers and bloggers at Rookie, xoJane, etc to work on my own online magazine project, but it’s difficult to stop my role models and muses from swamping my own unique ideas.

unachance3 karma

Just watched and loved every second of it. I still think I'm going to battle with the worry that what I'm doing isn't inventive or unique enough, but I guess I'll keep battling through. Thanks for the inspiration!

unachance2 karma

How to you manage your time when you're working on a BAJILLION projects at once, plus raising kids? Moreover, how on earth do you summon up the necessary creativity?

unachance2 karma

Feelings about how Liverpool FC will do this year?