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unsafespeeds6 karma

I just read that report and all I have to say is: Holy Shit.

unsafespeeds2 karma

I almost fell over when I read this (raised in Grand Rapids). Northern Minnesota is lakes/forest. Driving up the North Shore and visiting places like Gooseberry Falls and Palisade Head, as well as Duluth's boardwalk is breathtaking. I miss it every day of my life having moved away 6 1/2 years ago for a giirrrlll. (Well, ya know, we married and all that...)

unsafespeeds1 karma

I worked with a girl that has this. If I had contact with her (I know where she lives but we aren't friends so showing up there would be pretty weird)I'd show her this AMA! it was a little strange at first to be in conversation with her but I eventually got used to it and of course had a short conversation about it where i asked if she could tell, etc... Whenever I see her driving (she lives near me) her head is usually tilted a certain way - just like what you said you had to do. Now I understand why.

Very interesting!

I, too knew someone in school that could "shake" their eyes on command. I figured it out once and then couldn't ever do it again... When you're not supposed to do it it's quite difficult! haha

Great job answering.

unsafespeeds1 karma

When i call 9-1-1 do they know I've called before?

I think I've called 4 times since I lived here. (6 years or so)

First time, someone was breaking in downstairs. Took about 20 minutes for a SINGLE cop to show up - headquarters was blocks away. By that time the person had left. He never came to talk to me. Nothing. I could have told him who it was and everything.

Second two times were for shots fired in my area - which happens because there's a park nearby and a lot of stupid people here have guns and think that's a great place to fire off a few.

Last time i was on a highway with my dad in KC and someone in a dealers plate truck was weaving VERY badly across multiple lanes. I was on the phone with multiple offices for probably 15 minutes trailing this guy and giving them updated coordinates so they could pull him over. He eventually exited...got in the left turn lane...then turned right.

I hope they got him.

What was the longest call you've had to deal with where it was something "real" (versus a story..)

unsafespeeds1 karma

Yeah, I can totally understand how that'd be annoying. It's one of those things where the second someone meets you there's instant like...conversational baggage...kind of like someone that talks with a stutter who is actually really smart...I remember a movie about that (it's about a teacher...) but can't remember the name (I even Googled that sh*t and found nothing!. Anyway...it's like an instant hurdle and always on your mind...

Again, Thanks!