Highest Rated Comments

uppaday408 karma

what if one of them stole his camera?

uppaday8 karma

Not to be a downer, but you really need to be able to handle WM demand. Walmart has over 4800 stores and to fill that inventory - even for a 'small test' can be dangerous financially for a small company. If Walmart changes it's mind it's hard to replace WM volume.

TL;DR work your way up to be able to handle WM volume.

If you're still curious here's a link http://corporate.walmart.com/suppliers/

uppaday7 karma

the FBI was not fighting crime they were fighting change.

this needs to be a t-shirt

uppaday3 karma

The Patriot Act, War on Terror (et al) has obviously influenced the political landscape. My Senator Feinstein is one example who's campaigns are funded by drones, tanks, submarines and other weapon systems. Which is undoubtably influencing her rhetoric (as well as others) on 'security'. http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00007364&cycle=2012

1) Can you speak to the corrupting influence of money on the war on terror.

2) Many of these companies are forecasting 'windfall growth' in their annual reports during the next 5 years because these systems will be sold domestically. Do you see the public becoming more interested in corruption with this future "urban militarization" or more intimidated?

uppaday3 karma

better the pee you know than the one you don't