Highest Rated Comments

upvoter2221442 karma

Last but certainly not least, make Jesus Christ known and loved

You know that guy's already remarkably well known, right? He's practically as famous as John Lennon.

upvoter2221392 karma

Here's the clip.

upvoter222199 karma

What was the strangest thing any of your clients requested?

Where was this club? If it was located in a place where prostitution is normally illegal, how was this any different from a legal perspective?

upvoter222102 karma

1) You have not referenced any history in politics in your AMA description. What positions have you held in other government positions or what accomplishments have you achieved with an obvious relevance to serving in political office?

2) How will you work with people who want to keep property tax to accomplish your goal of eliminating it?

3) What specifically do you mean by "Ensure all Texans are protected from discrimination everywhere in their pursuit of happiness?" In other words, if a law were to be passed that furthered this goal, what would it say?

4) As someone who has posted in /r/conspiracy and in another comment asked, "Still think there isn't a massive pedophilia network with their hands on things," can you please share your thoughts on whether you subscribe to any of QAnon's messaging?

upvoter22261 karma

You're absolutely correct that this intended to be an AMA and not an AMAA.

If that's the case, could you please provide me with the locations of each naval ship and the part of each ship that's most susceptible to damage?

Totally a fellow American and definitely not a spy