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usernameismyrealname30 karma

What class were you in during the shooting? My friend Leslie was killed and for a long time afterwards I searched obsessively online for accounts of the specifics of how she died but never found more than a brief outline of the sequence of events.

usernameismyrealname23 karma

Thank you for sending this, I hadn't seen this. I've been going back and forth on attending the memorial services this weekend and I don't think I'm there yet.

Reading these articles and other accounts shared with me has hit harder than I thought it would for a ten year anniversary. It's so weird to see the survivors my age and with kids my kids' ages and thinking, I am older than my friend will ever be. She was a year older than me and for some reason that always seemed like so much more life experience. A few months before she died I was on AIM with her asking about her French class because I have always taken French as well and was thinking about transferring back to Virginia. She was so enthusiastic about it and I took her word as gospel just because she was an impressive sophomore while I was just a dumb freshman. Now the other people in her class who survived are at the same life stage that I am and she will never be. It's hard to wrap my brain around that.

That was a pointless ramble but anyway, thank you again for linking that article.

usernameismyrealname23 karma

If that scares you, look up benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. I once spent a night in the hospital because I couldn't stop throwing up and couldn't walk and it ended up being because I turned my head in my sleep and dislodged some crystals in my ear.

usernameismyrealname18 karma

She was in French class at the time. Any details you might be able to track down would be appreciated more than I can articulate.

usernameismyrealname12 karma

Orrrrr maybe it was just sharing another normal, everyday activity that can hurt you, not a pissing contest over how much damage the actual condition does.