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veron10134 karma

We faced the depression with a whole lot more self confidence and assurance that we could survive.

veron10128 karma

Do you have any regrets in your life? Yes

How hard was it for you to retrieve all those memories to put in your book? Did you keep a diary during the war? And also, how hard was it emotionally? Well, I had the reports and the official reports form the military that had been declassified.

What do you think of the current world we live in? The war in Afghanistan, the re-election of president Obama, our modern day technology, ... Do you think we're heading in the right direction? I don't think we're headed in the right direction. We're not as committed to a strong defense system.A strong military can actually produce peace, because those who would attack us are afraid of our strength, but that's different today, because we think we can reduce our defense, and become friends with our obvious enemies.

EDIT: He wanted to add more: About the war, any time the safety of our people or the interest of our country we have a moral aboligation to do all that we can including engaging in war to defend our safety and national interests. Initially we responded to the attack on the US on 9/11 by retaliating militarily in afghanistan. there's also another aspect in our military in the middle east including Afghanistan and iraq, and that is one that effects our economy. The availabilty of oil from the middle east is in our significant interests in the welfare of our nation. if it could be controlled by people who have declared the US to be an enemy, this could create the most severe reverse of our economy our nation has ever known. Therefore it is to our interests and responsibility to defeat those in the middle east who are aggressively attempting to control the countries which we are dependent on for supplying over half of our oil. Therefore it of the highest priority that we devote to being energy depended from encouraging natural resources, reducing our need to invest our physical and material resources and wage war in the middle east. This administration unfortunately does not have an energy policy which they are pursuing which will enable us to be independent. To put American warriors in harms way and invest hundreds of billions of dollars in wars. There's a lost opportunity which may be fatal to our economy and our progress and survival. Of course we need to protect our environment and there is sufficient technology available to direct safe, environmental activities in harvesting and processing energy producing resources.

veron10126 karma

He was in Iwo Jima, He talks about that a lot in his book. I will update with his response once we start. (in a few min)

What is you best memory from WWII? The way the American public responded to the challenge that we faced, both militarily and at home.

Where were you deployed? In the Pacific.

Did you take part in any of the more famous operations? Yes, Iwo Jima.

veron10126 karma

Of course you do, I was stupid and forgot to post it. I edited the post above.