Highest Rated Comments

vikkamath528 karma

What is your technical background? Are you a programmer? Do you manage the tech of the website yourself or is it 'outsourced'?

vikkamath150 karma

What do you think about the recent revelations about the NSA and more so about whistleblowers like Manning and Snowden?

vikkamath2 karma

Hi Thanks for doing the AMA.

  1. What got you interested in Physics?
  2. What keeps you motivated?
  3. Are there periods in your life when you're a little low on motivation? What do you do to prop it back up.
  4. Do you believe in god? Why? (I don't intend on starting a flame war, just curious).

vikkamath1 karma

What is your vision for the future of 3D printing. How do you think it will change the world? What do you think the impact of 3D printing will be on manufacturing based economies like China?

vikkamath1 karma

How important do you think it is for a startup to be located at a startup/tech hub like NY or Silicon Valley? It'd be nice if you could be verbose :)