Highest Rated Comments

wachet673 karma


I'm sorry, OP, but I chuckled.

wachet131 karma

This was an extremely ill-advised AMA.

Don't do an AMA if it's not in your power to at least address what are, realistically, going to be the questions. Not answer - just address (eg. "We know that AA is a really controversial topic, and while we can't discuss exactly how it might play a role in our admissions, the number one factor for admission is still the quality of the application, etc.") Knowing what tough questions might come your way requires knowing the a bit about the reddit community. So be it.

wachet105 karma

Not OP, but as a younger person, I know that I and my friends at church far prefer the more traditional stuff. It's an Anglican Church with all the awesome English cathedral choral music - the Stanford, Howells, Jackson, Wood, Parry, RVW, throw in the Byrd and Victoria, etc.

It's the reason we stay at that church. I can't stand the poppy gospel stuff and would leave if it were brought in.

The older stuff is just so rich and theatrical.

wachet84 karma

Hey John.

I've heard a number of crazy stories from my family friend - he lived with Jim in the Los Angeles area "pre-fame". His name is Bill, last initial C. He's been asked to do a memoir on his time living with Jim.

Did you ever know Bill? Just curious. He's got some crazy tales, even as recently as a few months ago when he met up with some crazy ex-girlfriend of Jim's because she was so desperate for cash and she had a ton of old memorabilia stashed away.

wachet82 karma

This thread is almost painful. I can only fall in love with Hugh so many times.