Highest Rated Comments

wagnerjr86 karma

As a senior in college, I had an idea to create a sushi restaurant chain (chipotle meets sushi)

i really want this.

wagnerjr30 karma

Hi, thanks for doing this. My question is-

Where do you draw the line between what is and isn't negotiable? What are your hard-line stances?

wagnerjr21 karma

I'm totally not squealing like a schoolgirl over this.

Two questions:

1) Yours and every other car show I watch is in warm weather. Do you think that's a necessity? No snow, sleet, salt, etc.

2) You actually address cash flow on your show. How is managing cash flow different for you?

wagnerjr11 karma


What do you think of Ron Paul and other Libertarians' push to return to the gold standard? Is it something you endorse?

I bring this up because I think it's something that scares a lot of people that may otherwise vote Libertarian/consider the party more legitimate.


wagnerjr1 karma

I'm a cancer patient and I'm stuck wearing a neck brace for most waking hours. I just had a (less severe) spinal fusion of two vertebrae. Not quite the same, but I agree that it sucks. Believe me, I've spent a lot of time in hospital beds staring at walls.