Highest Rated Comments

watersign44 karma

did you ghost hack anyone?

watersign14 karma

whats the difference between a corporate controller and a financial analyst at a med-big corporation?

watersign3 karma

does being a CPA give you the ability to do both? I kind of want to become a financial analyst and ive read that accounting skills are necessary. Discontinued Cash Flow!!

watersign3 karma

Big fan of yours!! What advice would YOU personally give to someone who knows nothing about investing in the markets to be profitable?

Also...you've said models used for physics and life sciences cannot be applied to markets due to the human element (I think), but what is your opinion on firms like PDT & Ren. Tech who use these models to make billions of dollars? Is it really smart math PhD's working magic or is it just hackers front running?

watersign3 karma

Unpaid developers?? how'd you pull that one off