Highest Rated Comments

welcometowendys4 karma

I don't think having the disease makes you a hero, but you making the best of it, being strong for your kids - that makes you a hero. You are on here educating us on how to donate our money more wisely so that we are actually contributing to saving more people instead of blowing it on a dumb campaign. You are very sick, you have the option of laying around doped up on meds and doing nothing. But you're not. You're still trying to make things better for others. Even if it wasn't your choice to get sick, I'd still feel right saying you're a hero. :)

welcometowendys1 karma

First thing you noticed or did after surgery?

welcometowendys1 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA! Any thoughts on how we can start our own campaign where we ensure all (or most) of the money goes to the men in the white coats working on a cure or better treatments? Let's stop this PINK nonsense. If at all possible? Maybe I'm being too hopeful.

Are you in a lot of pain every day? Do certain medications help?