Highest Rated Comments

wellmylands1 karma

Might be worth it, if for no other reason than for your daughter. You could maybe even try one of those Traditional Chinese Medicine guys or something. They have a lot of weird methods, but some people say they help a lot.

wellmylands0 karma

The term "Nintendo Force" makes me think of a bunch of nerd superheroes who thwart evil by beating them on Mike Tysons Punch Out.

wellmylands0 karma

That is what I am thinking. If a doctor told me that I have X years to live, I would search everywhere I could for an answer. In my experience, regular medical doctors can get really narrow minded when looking at symptoms. They see the trees but don't always notice that they are all in a forest that could explain them all. For years I tried telling several doctors that I thought I had a certain disease causing my weird symptoms. They all brushed me off until finally one would listen and now I am properly medicated. I too have a "fun pack" of physical and mental issues, but they are nowhere close to your situation. I feel for you.

wellmylands-3 karma

Ever consider seeing an alt-med practitioner? Maybe they could see things from a different perspective and zero in on a root cause for everything.