Highest Rated Comments

wellshire175 karma

I've been listening to specifically your drumming most of all for the last 10 years as inspiration and Revenga has probably been one of the most challenging for me. That off beat hi hat along with the pattern on the ride for the longest time convinced me that you had at least three arms.

wellshire56 karma

That guitar lick is iconic to us who grew up playing Halo 2. To this day I'll happily put a MAC round clear through a Covenant capital ship if I hear that tune.

wellshire5 karma

I get where you're coming from, but I don't see any harm in her trying to change as many minds as possible. It's not even like she's going for radical social change. I think she just wants people to be able to look at a pair of titties without nipples and say "hey those look pretty good still."

wellshire5 karma

Jeremiah, thank you for doing another AMA!

After having a role on breaking bad and now even having a star role in a movie of your own, what plans do you have to further your acting career? Are you interested in the Saul Goodman spinoff?

wellshire4 karma

What's your favorite TTRPG?