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wesselwessel21 karma

He is only doing one thing as POTUS, the CEA. He just said that anything else will be done by the VP-turned-President once he steps down.

wesselwessel3 karma

I would also like to learn more about this. Is this somewhere in the Constitution? Is there any precedent for this? And what is stopping you from staying on as POTUS after passing the Citizen's Equality Act?

wesselwessel2 karma

I hope you get it! I'm a recent college graduate with $20K+ in debt looking for a job, but I donated as much as I could to help you in your campaign! Best of luck Dr. Lessig.

wesselwessel2 karma

Hi Dr. Lessig. Thank you so much for doing this AMA. When I found out about your campaign, it gave me hope again. Everywhere we turn it seems like our government is bought and catering to the interests of whoever bankrolls legislation and candidacies. So thank you for standing up for an idea that actually matters.

My question for you is this, what do you think are the biggest issue(s) we face as a nation as a result of the current campaign finance laws and political gerrymandering? I have my own opinions on the subject, and am curious what your position is. Thank you in advance!

wesselwessel1 karma

I think this will be one of the greatest barriers to visibility in this campaign. As important as this issue is, without connecting to the emotional realities of regular Americans on a more fundamental level, oftentimes it goes right over their head.