Highest Rated Comments

whoopdedo487 karma

Thanks for being late, I thought I was gonna miss this!

During RG3's rehab, it was revealed that part of his therapy involved stem cells. Since the cat is out of the bag, did the doctors use the same kind of treatment on you?

Also, what car do you drive?

whoopdedo258 karma

You know he wasn't going to pick the Redskin.

whoopdedo241 karma

And thus Jared Allen's new nickname is "Cowboy Phelps"

whoopdedo175 karma

Soon to become your second-favorite game, of course.

whoopdedo8 karma

What's the worst football injury you've ever gotten? Feel free to exaggerate or just make something up to impress us.

Also, do you do like Steve Weatherford and leave your jewelry on when you play? He has a wedding ring, but you're not married are you? Annis Stukus of the Edmonton Eskimos in 1951 wore a wristwatch (but no helmet or shoulder pads).