Highest Rated Comments

whosthetroll4 karma

Hey. Thanks for creating such a great site. DO you by chance have a test site that I could visit that has the heartbleed bug on it? When I install detection software like the foxbleed and chromebleed, I like to test it to make sure that it is works and see what it looks like when it detects a bug on a site.


whosthetroll2 karma

I try to purchase a physical copy of every audiobook that I like, so I can have a library to offer my children once they start to read. I would love to see the option to purchase the physical book at cost (or near cost) for audiobooks that I have purchased. Maybe this could be an option for premium (Tier 2) members.

whosthetroll2 karma

You mentioned voice commands. Can you please intigrate this into your player? Like
"Go to Library" "Sort by Title/Author" "Name avaiable authors/titles" "Play Enders Game" "Go back 30 seconds" "Restart Chapter" "Pause" "Play"

whosthetroll2 karma

My Question is thus. If someone came to you and said that they breed (guppies for example) and showed you their breeding stock, would you be interested in making purchases from them rather then a wholesaler? Has anyone offered to breed specific fish for you? Thanks. Best of luck in being profitable.

whosthetroll1 karma

I"m using firefox. For anyone else using firefox and gettings this error.

disable OCSP: in a FF browser type "about:config" in the url bar. in the filter box, type "security" double-click the entry "security.OCSP.enabled" and change the 1 to a 0

once you have visited the site. Undo the change made to "security.OCSP.enabled"