Highest Rated Comments

whytegallo6 karma

Well said. ID theft protection only limits the options of the theft made, not disabling it.

whytegallo3 karma

Entrapment:a defense that claims the defendant would not have broken the law if not tricked into doing it by law enforcement officials. Most sites like these have ad's all over, selling and buying accounts out in the open, many had cartoons/advertisement. Isn't a advertisement a form of trying to promote a product? "tricking" someone?

whytegallo2 karma

What then do you see considered as entrapment? Maybe a example ? ninja edit: In your old lifestyle I meant for the example.

whytegallo2 karma

Theoretically speaking, wouldn't technically any encryption that is written can be broken? So we all are open game and some of just got a little more armor on? Not mocking in anyway, just thinking along the same lines.

whytegallo2 karma

Would you mind naming a encryption you feel is that high level to use realistically in a normal setting, such as for your average home use ?