Highest Rated Comments

wildtrail2 karma

Why are used cars in the dealership so pricy? I was in the market for a used GTI, but the 2 year used car was only about $5000 lower than the new car. At such a price point, is it worth buying a used car?

wildtrail1 karma

Hello guys! Huge fan of your website. I have 3 questions.

  1. I have used your website to repair a Macbook Pro. I redirect people to your site for a lot of their Apple (and console) problems. I love the idea of a centralized repository of all this knowledge. Is it possible to expand this to cover all devices?

  2. I am sure you guys receive a lot of traffic. How do you monetize this traffic?

  3. If unlocking under contract cell phones is legal. What incentive do mobile carriers have to incentivize high end cell phones?

wildtrail1 karma

Thank you for your reply. Follow up question.

What do you think of the GTI? I don't need any bells and whistles. Just the basic 2 door, manual transmission car.