Highest Rated Comments

will592249 karma

Wasn’t familiar with you before now, glad to fill in that historical black hole. I was a big fan of JenniCam back in the late 90s, doesn’t that predate what you were doing by a pretty significant margin?

will59215 karma

Big shout out to Padre from an enterprise IT guy who is also a clergy person. I'd love to know more about how you got involved in IT and how you manage to balance your ecclesiastical responsibilities with your technolust; have you always done both things?

will5929 karma

I didn't get a chance to see you at NAB, you had so many groupies there! What a fascinating story and its so refreshing to hear that the Jesuits even have an IT policy! I do a lot of work in local churches here in Phoenix, trying to help them understand technology and keep their data safe. Keep up the great work!

will5922 karma

Hi Leo, Chris from GeekDad.com here! We met at NAB this year and I wanted to say thank you and I'm so excited by the New Screen Savers! My question is about hosting good conversations, how do you prepare for interviews/shows where you're not a deep subject matter expert. I often feel like a good host can keep a conversation going no matter the topic but I feel like I always over prepare out of fear of sounding like an idiot. Do you have any pointers?