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willrahjuh62 karma

Nope. Not illegal over here. You do need a licensed to be a full on locksmith, but you can have a set of picks even without one. We even have lock picking as a "sport" in the US. so no, no license to own or use lock picks.

Source: lock smith assistant this summer

Edit: see some other replies below for more info

willrahjuh27 karma

Death touring Europe. That made me giggle

willrahjuh12 karma

Not OP, and this isn't near the scale, but I can offer a story.

The neighborhood I went to elementary school in was an odd one. It went through cycles. Every few years, more immigrants would come in. It was an almost 100% Hispanic neighborhood, but the effect the new immigrants had was interesting. New immigrants came in, and naturally not all of them would find jobs. Some of them would join gangs. So the neighborhood got a little rough. But eventually, they'd all get jobs, the gangsters would be arrested or move out, and the law abiding immigrants would get sick of the crime. So they'd stop being complacent. They'd report. They'd arm themselves if need be. They stopped being afraid of the gangs. But as they got more successful in life, they'd move out to better places. And the cycle repeated.

I think what OP was saying is people will stop being ok with al-queada and the Taliban and they'd start cracking down themselves and really assisting whatever force was in place to stop them with more gusto

willrahjuh12 karma

Do you think you would have joined were it not for the war? And what was it like going from enlisted to officer? Do you think it made you a better officer?

willrahjuh9 karma

Shit. OP delivering like no other. I don't have a question for you beyond what do you think can be done to improve conditions on reservations?