Highest Rated Comments

working10139 karma

So if I were to install CM, I have the option of completely leaving google services out of the install?

working1018 karma

Thankyou. I recently had an argument with my girlfriend and parents about this. I obviously cant fault them for doing it but they couldnt for the life of them understand how it could be wrong. I want my foreskin back. And I didnt have a choice in the matter. Fuck That!

working1013 karma

Thankyou for the tip about the letter.

working1013 karma

I'm sorry for what has happened to you but in all my interactions with the police, one thing is blatently obvious. They don't deserve our respect. Respect is earned. They are no more brave than the men and women doing hundreds of thousands of jobs out there of equal or greater importance.

working1012 karma

So do soldiers, firefighters, fisherman, factory workers, nuclear technicians etc etc etc. And none of them walk around with this attitude that they are entitled to our respect and gratitude simply because they might get hurt on the job. What a bunch of horseshit.