Highest Rated Comments

wrist_of_fury15 karma

Which game is better, Mega Man 2 or Mega Man 3? Please provide a passionate defense of your answer.

wrist_of_fury12 karma

Will Shovel Knight have a strong story component or no? If so, is it going to be told through encounters with friendly NPCs? text boxes? cutscenes? just atmostphere and music?

wrist_of_fury7 karma

How do you guys feel about getting on Game Grumps?

wrist_of_fury5 karma

Are there specific levels, enemies, or scenarios from Mega Man, Castlevania, or other games that you want to pay homage to, or is it more about the feel?

wrist_of_fury4 karma

Are there any plans to put an old Konami-style "cake level" in? See: Yume Penguin Monogatari, Wai Wai World 2. How about to switch up the feel and have one level be a side-scrolling shooter where Shovel Knight is flinging garden tools while riding his trusty steed?