Highest Rated Comments

xb00tx54 karma

I have self published a couple of novels, any tips?

xb00tx20 karma

First off Mr Ellis, huge fan, Glamorama is my favourite book ever written. Now that that’s out of the way, my actual question; You talk a lot about your father being a huge influence on American Psycho, particularly Patrick Bateman. Was there any real world influence of Victor Ward in Glamorama. And if so, can I ask who?

xb00tx2 karma

I have a twitter and used to use facebook but I can't get any exposure. I had a day where my book was free and shifted about 60 copies, which I was happy with, but there's such a huge audience out there I'd love to be able to reach it.

xb00tx2 karma

Thanks for the help. If you want a copy let me know and I'll pm you when it's free.

xb00tx2 karma

As an author struggling to find any sort of representation or publishing other than Amazon, what can your site offer me?