Highest Rated Comments

xe4l7 karma

Thank you for the insightful followup!

B-but I can buy, fuel and fly a seaplane for the cost of 6 Msf Pro licenses!.

Great way of framing it, Church vs State. It's an interesting situation for a modern business to be in. If you don't give some of it away for free, its value declines over time and if you don't charge money for some of the features, you can't afford developers that are improving both the free and for-pay versions.

It's great to hear that you can focus your attention on making Metasploit awesome. Only have to deal with development politics, not business/sales politics!

xe4l5 karma

Oh man I just moved away from NJ and the pork roll, bacon, egg and cheese cravings are getting bad...

xe4l3 karma

Would love to hear your thoughts on two key comparisons.

Metasploit Framework vs Metasploit Pro. Pro obviously has some features that can save a lot of time and effort, however adept users build their own automation. Last I used Pro however, it's typically undetectable meterpreter payloads were getting caught by HIPS and we reverted to packing our own.


Aircrack-ng's 3rd party customizations, eg: airmon-zc.

Thanks for doing the AMA!

xe4l3 karma

Shocked this hasn't been mentioned yet.

"Are you still working on that?" - 6 words that should never leave a waiters mouth.