Highest Rated Comments

xeltius44 karma

Read the book "breakthrough thinking" it has a red cover.

xeltius3 karma

Still a biohazard. I just wouldnt do it. There's a reason why big companies like Dell dont.

xeltius2 karma

I dont know about the Tesla system, but I think it is possible to set up "alternate names" in mp3 players to make it easier to find artists. So if an artist has lots of weird punctuation, you could add a field that spells it without the punctuation (example, instead of P!nk, you'd type in Pink in the alternate field). Or you could write it phonetically, making it easier for the system to find it.

This doesn't answer your question, but would be something useful to know if you were ever frustrated by not being able to find a song. Just alter the meta data by adding the appropriate field..

xeltius2 karma

Yeah...most companies would refuse to work on the pee phone since its a potential biohazard.