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xxxarkhamknightsxxx123 karma

What’s the hardest or most exhausting case you’ve had to solve?

xxxarkhamknightsxxx17 karma

If he answers this I will literally scream

xxxarkhamknightsxxx6 karma

With the masterful directing delivered by you and the phenomenal performance delivered by Nathan Fillion and the others, I’m assuming the crew has played the Uncharted series personally and is thoroughly familiar with it. Just how familiar with the series are you and the actors, and how much time have you folks spent playing it?

And on a different topic, throughout the film we’ve seen Fillion pull many classic Nathan Drake stunts that look like they were taken straight out of the video game franchise. Out of all these moments, which specific scene with Fillion would you say best impersonates and represents the Nathan Drake we all know and love? (in other words, what’s the most Drake-ish thing Fillion does in the film?)