Highest Rated Comments

yarrmama13 karma

Have you had a chance to talk to anyone who has already had this surgery to see how they felt about it afterwards?

yarrmama7 karma

Were you close to your mother before you started being aware of all these changes? If not are you glad to be closer to her? I am a mother of two sons and our culture doesn't always support closeness between mother's and sons and it makes me sad. I don't have any daughters so I don't know if it would be different but I would be very sad if my sons felt they couldn't be close to their mother because of a gender divide.

yarrmama7 karma

There's no clock for student loans but if your loan gets sold to another company and that company loses record of your loan information they can be sued to provide proof. There have been quite a few cases of loan dismissal when the loan documents/evidence of the loan can't be tracked down. I believe that the previous poster meant by resetting the clock is that sending in a payment to a company that can't provide proof that they owe your loan is a form of admission from you that you owe them money which removes your likelihood of having the debt dismissed if they can't find your paperwork. Always ask for proof of the loan.

yarrmama3 karma

First of all, thank you for your service. My question is similar to Randomdudes, how do you feel about Vietnam/the Vietnamese and have those feelings evolved over time?

yarrmama2 karma

Thank you for answering me. I'm glad your mother is a good support network for you. I hope everything goes well for you.