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yfarren2 karma

Sorry, that wasn't the form of a question.

You could have described yourself as someone who has a political opinion XYZ, and wrote a book about it.

You could have described yourself of a student of conflict, with some interesting opinions, and solicited questions based on those opinions.

Instead you chose to have your headline be "People who disagree with me decided I wasn't appropriate for their venue" and frame it in such a way as to hopefully get people to conflate a private clubs actions, with some freedom of speech issue.

A. Do you think a private club has a duty to let any and everyone use their forum to express any views that any and everyone want, or do you think a private club has discretion about who they let speak?

B. Do you think that a private club, upon finding that someone has done/said something that is offensive to that club can't change its decision about letting someone use their forum?

C. Do you think it is somehow wrong to do either A, or B?

D. Why should I care about anything you have to say, if the most important thing you think there is to say about you (the headline you chose) is "oh! Look! People I disagree with didn't see fit to let me use their platform to express my views"?

yfarren2 karma

Generally, saying "oh look at those close-minded people over there" is a lousy way to engage those people.

And so far, you aren't even saying that. You aren't commenting about overall trends, you aren't bringing up how AIPAC and J-Street (google's suggestion for "Jewish Israel Lobby ...") interact with each other, and voice different opinions.

Your post is "look at me. ME!!! THEY DISCRIMINATED AGAINST ME!!! IT MUST BE A GIANT CONSPIRACY!!!! STOP THEM"-- You don't bring any evidence, or any information about overall trends. To say you are talking about general events when your post is all "me me me, and what a victim I am"-- either you are a terrible speaker and advocate, or you have a massively overgrown sense of self importance.

If you want to start have a conversation about the general state of open idea exchange-- try not saying "look what they did to ME! IT IS BECAUSE THEY ARE A BUNCH OF SPEECH BANNERS!!!". That isn't evidence of a general trend.

yfarren2 karma

Can you Body Slam Kuratas, like you did that car?


yfarren1 karma

I suppose what I mean to say is, look, you wrote a book. You have thought about something long enough to write several tens of thousands of words about it, so it is presumably something you care about. Maybe you even have facts and knowledge about it. Maybe you are just some blowhard narcissist with an opinion you feel any and everyone should listen to and agree with. I don't know. From your post, it seems the latter. You share no information with me. You don't even tell me what your opinion is. The only thing you mention is what a big victim you are cause someone you disagree with doesn't want to give you a podium.

If you have any useful knowledge, I would much rather read that. I don't think you have a right to anyone's podium, and by acting like you do, you make me think you actually have little of value to add.

yfarren1 karma

If your goal is to make headlines for yourself, Reddit is a great place to talk about an issue where you have a generally left attitude. If your goal is to address an issue, and work with it, generally that is better served by working with the group that issue effects.

I don't know whether or not there is an issue with the general trend of How Jews in the U.S. talk about Israel. He isn't talking about that at all. If he were his headline would have information, about that. He would share knowledge of some sort. But he isn't. He is saying "look at me! See I am a general trend! Oh those Jews are so closed to discussion cause they rejected ME!!!!". That isn't a conversation about a general trend in any way (there may BE such a trend, but this guy's headline has nothing to say or inform about a general trend at all. He is just saying "the didn't like me, so they are bad". No trend or general evidence at all).

I mean, if you want to have a conversation about the general state of things, you bring in general information. He doesn't do that. He cloaks his self centered whining, as though it is some general problem, without actually giving any evidence of that problem. It is a cheap shot. And it is a cheap shot that will do very little to change anything, but merely polarize people. AKA, he isn't engaging anyone who doesn't already agree with him. He isn't making an argument. He is just making an personal attack, in a forum generally open to that attack.