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yisoonshin108 karma

Is there any solution to that, like squeezing your core or arms or something?

yisoonshin40 karma

Do they worship the Marvel movies?

yisoonshin35 karma

I have a strong interest in Korean history, but it's not taught very much at all in the US. World history focuses more on China and Japan, with brief mentions of Korea's three kingdoms period and then a huge skip to the Korean War. The internet has helped me to read a lot about my heritage.

yisoonshin4 karma

I love that I can talk to complete strangers around the globe with common interests and just see how they're doing, what their lives are like, what they think about a particular issue. And it's almost instant. That's amazing to me, we can find out about a fire halfway around the world within minutes of it breaking out.

yisoonshin3 karma

The big and powerful have their stories told while us little guys are relegated to a little corner of the textbook. I'm lucky my university has an excellent Korean histories professor that I took two classes with, one on ancient and one on modern Korean history, and she was very much interested in women's history in Korea so I got a perspective that is not usually focused on in a lot of history, where people usually focus on big events, people, and achievements.